Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Little Update

Today is another slow day here at the office. Most of my co-workers have not come in today, a few are in Bangkok. Not really sure and another lady are just chilling listening to Thai music going about our business. Not that I have that much business. I have spent the morning on the internet, reading news, writing emails, etc. Yesterday was a holiday. I woke up early to water the lawn for my host parents, sat in the hammock for awhile, watched Milk, ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and starting reading a new book. Thrilling life I lead! Oh I also did laundry, whoo hoo! Anyway, Monday was an interesting day. My co-workers asked me to ride along with them as they needed to go to a town about 30k away for some business. I gladly accepted knowing we would get to stop at 7-11. After their business was taken care of they suggested that we drive on and surprise another Peace Corps Volunteer about 20 k away. I was shocked and touched at this suggestion. It was so nice of them to give me the opportunity to see another volunteer and drive out of the way to do so! So we pulled up to Brianna's site and I can literally say that I have never seen someone so surprised. It was great! We only got to visit for about 45 minutes before needing to head back, so we basically just asked each other tons of questions about life at site. It was so good to see another volunteer and speak English for awhile. Then on the way home we did indeed stop at 7-11 where I tried the "burger" and got some pringles. It was actually a pretty good snack and a pretty good day. 

1 comment:

  1. It surely doesn't take much to make you happy.
    That's a trait we could all use. Maybe we can
    get some more books to you. I am sure your time
    will be filled very soon.
