Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have always found that being sick while away from home is one of the worst feelings one can have. I have had the flu all week and powered through the work days and some traditional Thai ceremonies with only a bit of a problem. But now we have reached Saturday. I had grand plans of exploring some of the villages I hadn't seen yet and even interviewing those villagers friendly and interested enough. This morning I woke up burning up with fever, just when I thought I was getting better. In an attempt to be somewhat productive, I hate feeling nothing and unproductive, I cranked up some mood music and began to organize my books and papers. I found a letter that our training staff required us to write to ourselves as we left for site. Then Peace Corps mailed us the letter after we had been at site for about 2 weeks. Mine was super cheesy and I just shoved it away in my bookshelf. Some of you might think the letter is super duper cheesy, but it actually had quite an effect on me today. Even those of you who are in America, might start to think because of this letter. Whether you are worried about the economy, worried about finding a job, stuck in a boring job or routine, have stress with friends and family, or are even a little under the weather, I encourage you to slow down and reflect. As stated before, I would have never realized the value in this had I not been in Thailand and truly discovering as well as testing myself. Anyway, you all might think I am some sort of cheesy, weirdo, pensive type person, but I thought I would share the letter below:

April 3, 2009

We are in PST now and hopefully when you get this you will be feeling optimistic and excited. Remember this is an excellent, god-given opportunity that can change your life. You deserve to be here and it really is the opportunity of a lifetime. Remember what inspires you, what makes you smile, what makes you cry and what guides your heart:
           Lord make me an instrument of they peace, where there is hatred let me sow love, where there is injury pardon, where there is error truth, where there is discord harmony, where there is despair hope, where there is darkness light and where there is sorrow joy. - St. Francis' Prayer

You don't have to been in the Peace Corps or living abroad to discover yourself or even pause for self-reflection. These words lifted me up and I hope they do the same for you.

I promise my next post will be funny....

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